Modified Cold Lasers - First Ever To Reverse ALL Electrical Pollution - The Only Clean Energy Laser Sold Anywhere

We are the original, and only inventors of the world's 1st anti-emf modified cold laser, instantly provable by any energy test.
EVERY other multi-thousand dollar veterinary (and similar) laser irradiates skin, thyroid, parathyroid, and more, making skin test weak.     Not ours!
This is the first and only cold supercharged laser in the world with more than 4,600 beneficial frequencies embedded.
We specifically claim that, energetically, and beneficially, our lasers outperform every multi-thousand-dollar laser sold.
Even a VitalMed laser for skin wrinkles requires minutes per session of use, where ours takes but seconds per session.
Skin wrinkle reduction and pain relief are among the uses recognized thus far by the FDA for cold low-level laser therapy.
The world's first PROVEN supercharged laser, produced with EIGHT advanced technologies.

Highest polarity energy laser - use a half-dozen different tests to prove that this laser adds energy to EVERYTHING it touches.
Because we use solid-state technology, the lasers are rated to last up to 8,000 hours of use, outperforming every other known laser.
With the one-second bidigital test, YOU see for yourself what is weak, and how strong it gets, immediately, when it is laser-painted.

Food, beverages, and every item, including us, are polluted by sources of electricity, which toxically irradiate.
Made with the same technologies used to produce the supercharged rare earth minerals found in QVials.
Both are infused with the universally recognized frequencies that benefit organs, glands, and more.
No other laser manufactured has these features, let alone without the electrical pollution we convert.

"Laser" your food, beverages, walls, bed and linens, shoes, glasses, pots, pans, even yourself:

Using BDORT or QRA (Quantum Reflex Analysis) or CRA or even basic kinesiology to test,
we guarantee EVERYTHING painted by the supercharged cold laser will test strong.
By law, we are not even allowed to tell you an actual majority of the powerful benefits of the supercharged laser,
because it is (justifiably?) against U.S. laws to make any health claims without enormously expensive clinical trials.
Our 'apocryphal' and clinical testimonials now run into many thousands of empirical examples.

Therefore, we only claim that anything touched by the beam of this laser WILL test strong.
Living creatures test strong temporarily, inanimate objects should permanently test strong....
UNTIL IT IS EXPOSED TO ANY SOURCE OF EMF RADIATION, including wireless, SmartMeters, etc.,
whether skin, organ meridian points, or even GV20 or other function-related points...
for as long as the item strengthened is not exposed to further electrical radiation.
Just re-laser ANYTHING that gets re-polluted, and test again to be certain.
High-end jewelry is ultra-sensitive to EMF, laser it every time you wear it.

A magnificent gift for anyone you care about... beginning with yourself.

You are openly asked NOT to buy any of our devices until you do the test.
Once you know how to test, you will understand our bedrock policy & motto:
  "... because proof is better than belief."  

Visit to see what may be the most outstanding set of feedback comments in ebay history.

Visit our ebay site: Ebay Bodyscanned Site - Lasers, FoodBoosters, QVials, Torroids

Learn this easy one-second bidigital test. Do it now! - Use the exquisitely accurate test for the rest of your life!!

Energy Therapy - High Speed Results - ANY Meridian Point You Laser Instantly Tests Strong - Guaranteed

Not only on your body, the world's first supercharged laser makes EVERYTHING it touches test strong.

"Paint" your food, beverages, walls, bed and linens, shoes, glasses, pots, pans, even yourself:

If you have or know of an animal with an injury, laser the area of pain and simply watch the animal's face.
It has worked or is working now on every animal with laser-painted injuries... EVERY one.
If that's not amazing enough for you, it works from even 5,000 feet away, because these are frequencies!

Using BDORT or QRA (Quantum Reflex Analysis) or CRA or even basic kinesiology,
we GUARANTEE everything "painted" by this 5mw supercharged cold laser tests strong.

Veterinarians, take note: VASTLY outperforms the $2,000 -$6,000 lasers you are now using,
ANIMALS DO NOT KNOW PLACEBO EFFECTS OR SALES PITCHES. Try it on their pain points and see.

No need to believe. Test the animal's thyroid or parathyroid, or ANY patch of skin. Use QRA to test

Because they are totally safe for human use (other than shining them into your eyes, obviously), no health claims,
only suggestions for you to experiment and see for yourself how energetically beneficial these lasers prove to be.

These energy lasers are a magnificent gift to remediate and energize anything,
beginning with yourself, your food, beverages, pets, beds, and so much more.

Learn this easy one-second bidigital test. Do it so you know!!

We use brand-new 5mw cold gallium-based lasers, adding eight proprietary processes, supercharging them.
This means ALL electrical pollution which can be tested by BDORT or QRA or CRA or even basic kinesiology,
is converted from thyroid-draining counterclockwise, negative, irradiating energy into clockwise, beneficial energy.
EVERYTHING even briefly painted by these lasers tests strong, with instant proof using any of several recognized tests.

No one in the world offers this guarantee of all electrical radiation/pollution REVERSED.
Everything 'painted' by the world's 1st supercharged laser is GUARANTEED to test strong.

We offer no health claims, only the certitude that anything "painted" by this laser tests strong.

NOTE: You MUST laser your next set of batteries, because untreated batteries can (and usually do) ruin the laser.
The easy answer for this is to always make sure you have lasered your next battery or two before using the laser.

Gen3 supercharged lasers introduced in 2015 only require one battery. Recognizing the cost of a thousand or more C123A batteries,
it's our pleasure to also include a rechargable 16340 battery, a backup battery, and a recharger, for your convenience and savings.

These and other bonuses and gifts are a reward for investing in 21st century technology, not an inducement to buy.
The best reason to buy a supercharged laser is NOT skin wrinkle reduction, pain relief, or others you might expect.
The best reason to buy a supercharged laser now is that ALL electrical pollution is guaranteed to be reversed.
No need to believe it: Use the one-second energy test. You get the same results every time.

Buy your first supercharged laser at obviously reduced price
PayPal For The Psychology of Longevity

... or buy via Ebay We maintain money-back guarantee that ANYTHING testing weak with a QRA test is unconditionally guaranteed to test strong once it is laser-painted.
Because the supercharged laser is of proprietary technology, returns are considered on a case-by-case basis, and guaranteed to work on everything.

We specifically guarantee that anything testing weak by any of the known energy tests will test strong with just a second or two of lasering.
To convince YOU that these lasers are worth many thousands of dollars, please learn the bidigital test at, takes under a minute to learn.

Whether it is inanimate or animate, alive today or once alive, EVERYTHING tests strong when the laser beam touches it.

We are the inventors, and, at this time, the only source on earth for supercharged cold lasers... with nearly countless uses.

This is the only known clean-energy laser sold anywhere in the world.

Be sure to add us to your ebay favorites list!     Check out QVials, FoodBoosters, Torroids!

NOTE: Even more bonuses when buying directly from,,,,,,

Learn more, that you might increase the chances of living more. Among our 2,389 unique self-help websites,
where the Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity share the master secrets of the universe:
Doctors     Doctors 2      Economy      E.M.I.      Health      Health II
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With a couple of clicks, free food from corporate sponsors is donated for starving children, animals, etc.
Clicking this button and the same button  on next page triggers corporate sponsors to buy a cup of food to starving people - WOW

Hunger and Poverty:
Let's end starvation
Live the Psychology of Longevity
Help others to live stronger longer
BE Your Psychology of Shortcuts
Giving Means Getting

Feed Hungry in Brazil

Sponsor Poor Children - (

End Homelessness - (

Feed Veterans With A Click! -- Now!

Word Puzzle Homeless Kids

Food for Hungry in India

Hungry Children (PAGE DOWN once)

Polish Hunger Site (Click the tummy)

TheHungerSite - one click, one life saved

Feed Kids in Africa (Click Cup)

Seeds for Africa (Quiz)

Donate 2 Days Clean Water - (CareToClick)

Donate Bread (Click Loaf)

Help Plant a Tree and help save the world

Donate Vitamins + Child Health Care - (CareToClick)

Kid's Hospital In Mexico - Click button on left

Childrens Health (Japanese)

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Help Prevent Teen Suicide

4 Minutes of Education - No click needed!

Books & SEVERAL others - China - Just click each button, hit CTRL W to close each window. Great!

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Animal Blankets

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Meals for Dogs

Shelter Dogs Poland

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Donate Cat Food

Feed a Big Cat

Feed Chimps - (RedJellyFish)

Help Horses - (

Psychology of Longevity And Supercharged Lasers

Although supercharged lasers were initially crafted to resolve issues Dr. Cohen had with other lasers, including PRL's,
it took less than a year to figure out how to manufacture supercharged lasers affordably, so that most everyone can use it.

Despite or perhaps because there are eight unique protocols, and one that makes those eight irreversible, there is no patent.
Your inventor has no wish for any more material wealth, and the world deserves to know of and to use these supercharged lasers.
Depending on material you use, yes, the world's first supercharged cold lasers also CONVEY supercharging aspects of the laser,
meaning that there are many items and devices that will become so supercharged that they, in turn, supercharge other items.
Although the 186 additional frequencies do not transfer to inanimate objects,
you can even laser other lasers to make them safe for humans and mammals!

It's delightful, it's magnificent... and it works every time!

Psychology of Longevity - home of the world's first supercharged cold laser.

MisterShortcut devoted 26 years to helping people to help themselves.
Countless websites he created have the GIVE FREE FOOD buttons.
When you click, you save a human or animal life, no charge.
If you think that's 'small-time,' remember Isaac Newton:
"Every action in the universe has an equal and opposite reaction.
Clicking once is nice, because you save a life, which life tends to repay.
Clicking every day? What do YOU think happens when you save MANY lives?
MisterShortcut invented the supercharging-megacharging technology to help YOU.
Some people opt to chase cash profits, and that's fine for them, if that's their dream.
Others pursue profits that are infinitely more enriching, and satisfying, than money.

As perhaps the first & only human to click 100x or more per day for 5,000 days in a row,
MisterShortcut, via the Psychology of Shortcuts, promises that helping the helpless is profitable.
In sum, learn more, that you might live more, and ONLY learn from the people doing it better than YOU.

Do NOT take keep-your-hair lessons from someone who has no hair. If they knew better, they'd do better, true?
Do not accept weight loss lessons from a person who is grossly overweight. If they knew better, they'd do better.

As MisterShortcut's grandfather wisely taught, "Get it from the horse's mouth... or from the wrong end of the horse."

No, supercharged lasers do not heal or treat or cure. They make EVERYTHING they touch test strong.
Whether or not your muscles, organs, glands, etc., are testing strong, the one-second test tells us.
Learn more, that you might live more. Supercharged lasers are genuine game-changers for us all.


Shakespeare added words to the English language.
MisterShortcut dreamed of adding masters and millionaires,
by simply collecting many of the best shortcuts of true masters,
those that produce results approximately 100 percent of the time,
and condensing them into the short, powerful gems of life we call "PowerGems."

A thousand and more minutes per day for a thousand days, then another thousand,
and yes, yet another, taking off one day in every three hundred or so to take a breath.
The cost, as you may have perceived, has been considerable, just as your potential is.
I believe in you so much that these three million minutes of laboring love can matter,
helping to feed starving humans, AFTER you pick up your PowerGems and get busy.
For now, you can pay for the Psychology of Shortcuts with no charge to you! Good deal.
These are the most powerful days of your life. You have huge skills and expertise,
far more than you give yourself credit for. Only when someone comes to you,
specifically asking how you might do something, do you become an expert.
Yet for yourself you just "can't seem to find the time."  Frankly, friend,
that's perfectly ridiculous. All you need to do is come to a full stop,
and take a sharper look at your 1,000 discretionary minutes.
Just like everyone else, kings and janitors, deze and doze,
you get one thousand discretionary minutes per day.
No matter who you are, who you work for or with,
you are a human being with that exact number:
one thousand discretionary minutes per day
How you use them in the next 24 hours
will clearly indicate where you are,
and more, where you are going.
the Psychology of Shortcuts,
waiting for you to be you.
Your best is inside.
Let's bring it out,
with shortcuts.
Fair enough?

Learn more in order to live more, at the MisterShortcut Approach.

Created with great reverence for your potential by the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You

These are the best shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the best,
and provably YOUR best shortcuts to succeeding.
Enjoy. The Psychology of Shortcuts is free for your life.

Regrettably, only IE and compatible browsers can see most of the EyeCandy.
Have no fear. A) There are hundreds of thousands of EyeCandy bits.
B) PowerGems are what you need to find here.
When we see the immense resources available to us all,
it is egregiously offensive to see such profound waste.
Your life is rich with opportunities, in so many areas.
The MisterShortcut Approach urges you to awaken.
The sight of you is no less than repulsive, disgusting.
Take control of what you have the power to take control of.
Thousands of excuses for failure, and there is only one reason.
That reason does not change from circumstance to circumstance.
Excellence is always the result of the desire to be excellent, true enough?
If we do not see excellence in your life, it is because of just one basic reality:
Your lack of excellence is directly related to lack of excellence in your efforts.
If you are not hungry, on fire, even, to help you to help yourself develop mastery,
what in heaven makes you think that any other human should care about you, either?

You have millions of unique pages from the MisterShortcut Approach, and related sites.
Millions of Psychology of Longevity self-health web pages to help you help yourself.
The time, in this day, hour, and moment, is nigh for you to accept responsibility.
Until now, you have only pretended at willingness to accept responsibility.
You are the captain of the ship, the producer of the movie, ad infinitum.
It all means that you are the one in control of destinations on the way.
It is true that you have but little control in re your final destination.
Not so the many subsidiary destinations along your life course.
You decide the destinations, or whether to have destinations.
In that case, Life, and those who have their goals in writing,
these will determine most of the course of your lifetime...
and, of course, definitively control your destination.
When you stop pretending that you know better,
your brain opens up to those one-percent-ers,
improvements of just one percent each.
The MisterShortcut Approach, now,
pursuing YOUR destinations.

Millions of opportunities to find your PowerGems.
Remember that the MisterShortcut Approach is in you.
A hammer on the shelf cannot bang any nails into any wall.
Fruits of the MisterShortcut Approach comes from sustained use.
Continue asking more people, more times each, to get what you need.

That's how much love you will find here:
hundreds of thousands of pieces...
particularly for you and yours,
Learn, live, & give more..


You're warmly welcomed into the internet's largest natural health resource.

Nothing else comes close,
with so many hundreds of thousands of pages of unique content at the Psychology of Longevity,
because the more we know, the stronger and longer we tend to live.

If you're interested in living stronger and living longer, you've probably come to the right place:
the internet's biggest natural health website, and certainly one of our healthiest and wealthiest websites.
Dive in and learn more. The Psychology of Longevity is free for your life,
in hope of you learning more so you can live more so you can give more.
Thank you.

Please remember to feed those who are starving by giving, at no cost to you.

Love?       let's talk about love.
The Psychology of Shortcuts and all one thousand of the MisterShortcut sites are from one pair of hands
by one pair of hands laboring with love to bring you the greatest and healthiest shortcuts of all time.
ALL possible because of the geniuses and pioneers who share their excellence, generously.

Wait it gets better.
There are also between three hundred and five hundred thousand additional unique pages,
focusing on the greatest shortcuts of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires,
ALSO created by that same pair of hands, beginning here at the Psychology of Shortcuts,
and continuing through all the other "Psychology of _________" empowerment websites.

All of this EyeCandy and perhaps BrainCandy as well, hundreds of thousands of pieces,
were actually created by writing an essay, photocopying it one hundred times,
then customizing every single one of them... then doing it all over again.
To each was added snippets of delicious EyeCandy interactive effects.
At last count, you should find thousands of original chapters,
with anywhere from one hundred to more than a thousand
distinctly discrete versions of each PowerGem chapter.

Shakespeare added words to the English language.
MisterShortcut dreamed of adding masters and millionaires,
by simply collecting many of the best shortcuts of true masters,
those that produce results approximately 100 percent of the time,
and condensing them into the short, powerful gems of life we call "PowerGems."

A thousand and more minutes per day for a thousand days, then another thousand,
and yes, yet another, taking off one day in every three hundred or so to take a breath.
The cost, as you may have perceived, has been considerable, just as your potential is.
I believe in you so much that these three million minutes of laboring love can matter,
helping to feed starving humans, AFTER you pick up your PowerGems and get busy.
For now, you can pay for the Psychology of Shortcuts with no charge to you! Good deal.

These are the most powerful days of your life. You have huge skills and expertise,
far more than you give yourself credit for. Only when someone comes to you,
specifically asking how you might do something, do you become an expert.
For yourself, it appears that you never have the time. To put it plainly,
that's perfectly ridiculous. All you need to do is come to a full stop,
and take a sharper look at your 1,000 discretionary minutes.
Just like everyone else, kings and janitors, deze and doze,
you get one thousand discretionary minutes per day.
No matter who you are, who you work for or with,
you are a human being with that exact number:

Grab your better information at the Psychology of Longevity.
Before counting the SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND mirror pages which have minimal changes to each,
let's look at a few hundred thousand perfectly unique pages created just for you to empower yourself with.

Love?       How's THIS for love?
Hundreds of thousands of pages connected to the Psychology of Longevity were created and individually tweaked and refined
by a single pair of hands laboring with love to bring you the most effective shortcuts of achievers.

Wait, it gets better.
There are also between three hundred and five hundred thousand additional unique pages,
focusing on the greatest shortcuts of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires,
ALSO created by that same pair of hands, beginning here at the Psychology of Shortcuts,
and continuing through all the other "Psychology of _________" empowerment websites.

All of this EyeCandy and perhaps BrainCandy as well, hundreds of thousands of pieces,
were actually created by writing an essay, photocopying it one hundred times,
then customizing every single one of them... then doing it all over again.
To each was added snippets of delicious EyeCandy interactive effects.
At last count, you should find thousands of original chapters,
with anywhere from one hundred to more than a thousand
distinctly discrete versions of each PowerGem chapter.
one thousand discretionary minutes per day
How you use them in the next day or two
will clearly indicate where you are,
and more, where you are going.
the Psychology of Shortcuts,
waiting for you to be you.
Your best is inside.
Let's bring it out,
with shortcuts.
Fair enough?

The Psychology of Longevity, thrilled to bring you the world's first and only PROVEN clean-energy laser.

If not mistaken, or overtaken by would-be and actual competitors, the Psychology of Longevity prove to be no less than... the world's biggest website for success and health shortcuts,
with Mister-Shortcut, happy Godfather of EyeCandy and Shortcuts
Millions of healthy, enriching, empowering web pages, designed and built for you

If you're interested in living stronger and living longer, you may be at just the right place:
the world's largest naturopathic website, and, putatively, one of our healthiest and wealthiest websites.
Jump in and learn more. The Psychology of Longevity is free for your life,
in hope of you learning more in order to live more so you can give more.
Thank you.

Let's remember to feed those who are hungrier than you by giving at no cost to you.

The MisterShortcut Approach and Psychology of Longevity Applaud YOU For Free Clickthroughs

Meritable sponsors donate 1.1 cups of staple food for our free clicks.
By clicking this and the following food buttons, you really do help to save a human life...
at no charge to you.

It is impossible to learn less about anything. Learn more, and you are likely to live more.
The aim of the supercharged laser is to help you to help yourself live stronger for longer.

Clean Energy Lasers From MisterShortcut

Clean Energy Laser? Stun Yourself With Excitement!
Have anyone test your basic O-ring strength. Point to your business card w/ other hand as they test again.
As with most every business card, you will no longer be able to hold your thumb and finger tightly together.

Now, send one or two of those identical business cards to people all around your neighborhood, or other countries.
AFTER they confirm that the business card shows weak energy, not attracing prosperity when something tests THAT weak,
go ahead and just briefly, for even a fraction of a second, laser one of those same business cards on the printed side.
Now, call or write to all the people you sent copies of that card too, and learn that every identical card now tests strong.

This is just one of the stunning, legitimately staggering proofs of the truth that everything in our world is energetically connected.
A most engaging facet of both Psychology of Longevity and Psychology of Shortcuts is that belief is not even marginally required at all.
Truth is truth, and proof is proof. With respect to the world's first and only proven clean-energy laser, proof is better than belief.

Allow this modified clean-energy laser to empower you to remediate YOUR living environment, your body, food, clothing, and more.
Employ the clean energy laser in your work and study environments, even on your auto (headlights, battery, & engine) Enjoy clean energy.

These modified lasers are money-back guaranteed to make anything they 'paint; test strong by BDORT or QRA testing.